This article talks about the developing sensation of cryptocurrencies. It’s considered as a digital monetary asset. With the use of a Cryptographic decentralized technology its ownership is protected. The emergence of these digital currencies sparked some controversies and challenges. Yet, whatever the issues are, it still catches the attention of many investors, business owners, and the public. However promising, they still consider and reflect on the issues that come along with cryptocurrencies.

Here’s a few to mention:
- Cryptocurrencies tend to experience considerable changes in its value or prices.
- Cryptocurrencies didn’t pass through a regulatory and legal process. Because of this many are considering to have them regulated and or even have its usage banned.
These issues are often a cause of arguments rather than a solution. As of today there is still more to analyze and study about cryptocurrency. We still need to ponder on how it can put an impact to the economy, to one’s business and to the public.